Technology: html5, css3, bootstrap.
Responsive website.
Technology: html5, css3, sass.
Responsive website.
Technology: JavaScript.
Try to guess a randomly generated number.
Technology: JavaScript.
Take turns rolling a single die with your friend.
Technology: html5, css3, JavaScript.
Project simulating a real bank.
Technology: html5, css3, JavaScript.
Account 1: |D: ys Password: 1111.
Account 2: |D: jd Password: 2222.
Acc money transfer, request loan.
Technology: html5, css3, JavaScript.
App to search for pizza and pasta recipes.
Try bookmark, increase or decrease servings.
Try go to next and previous page.
Technology: React.
App to control expenses.
Add a new expense,
description and amount.
Responsive website.
Technology: React.
It was built using React. The website has a modern and intuitive layout that offers a modern user experience. The website is responsive to various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. It features an interactive menu enables users to view available dishes and prices. The data relating to the dishes and the information submitted by the user at the time of order, such as payment data from the fictitious card, are hosted on Firebase.